Ada Torres Toro
Co-Founder Partner
Journalist, writer, crisis-management expert with a head for business.
One of the top go-to crisis managers in hispanic markets for local and international clients, Ada left her chair as a TV anchor at the peak of her ratings to pursue entrepreneurship.
Being a public figure opened doors, and getting comfortable would have been easy, but she took it to the next tier by bringing on board key people to create a new model for the tired “communications business” industry.
Coming from the receiving end as a journalist, she knows exactly what works with the press and what doesn’t; she doesn't speculate.
When she is not solving a crisis or curating the communications angle of iFullCircle strategies, you will find her writing fiction, (you can read her first novel, "Amores Innecesarios") and traveling tirelessly, with 65 countries under her belt, and counting.